Now you might be thinking did PROPERBEERMATE have to wear a wig, mascara and a pretty dress to get in and review this event? Sorry to disappoint you but no....I sent in the PROPERBEER MAIDENS! Who took all the photos and notes for me to complete this review! Cheers ladies!
Now onto the beers!
Hargreaves Hill Hefeweizen
A wonderful representation of the style and one of my favies too. Aromas on the nose are the traditional lolly banana and clove you'd expect from a good Hefe along with a welcome surprise of some vanilla notes as well. Great drinkability smooth and very refreshing going down. The PROPERBEER MAIDEN'S favorite of the night!
Matilda Bay Bohemian Pilsner
Little to no hop aroma on the nose, very appealing appearance and easy drinking as most pils type beers are but with a slight bitter finish.Nothing fancy here.... very close resemblance to the macro brew lagers available on tap at most pubs.
2 Birds Brewing Golden Ale
Big strong honey notes on the aroma along with a somewhat fermented soy bean quality too! Very smooth going down due to the intentional low carbonation of this beer. Would go great with any chilli based spicy foods to cut through the heat.
Ninkasi's Angel Tripel
The first all female brewer collaboration brew here in Australia! Which is also named after an ancient beer goddess, is a Belgian inspired style of beer which incorporates local ingredients to complement the traditional Tripel style. Big spice notes on the nose, full bodied and quite strong on the alcohol make this brew a sipper not a chugger by any means. Goes great with a good cheese and crackers on a cool night!
Hunter Beer Co. Lambic
Very young home brew and sour aroma to this brew. Again on the taste very yeastie applely and SOUR! Needs more time to mature in the bottle maybe to mellow it out a bit perhaps... but then again this is a sour style. The Chocolate tart that complemented this brew however was excellent!
Thanks again to the PROPERBEER MAIDENS for their superb tasting skills and notes!
And to Kirrily Waldron "the beer Diva" who has broken down so many barriers and perceptions of beer appreciation and beer culture for both females and males over years through her constant hard work in the beer community here in Australia and aboard. We beer enthusiasts thank you for your passion and commitment towards the craft that is beer. Cheers!
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