The Pub is just down the street from the Shangri-La Hotel ("the old ANA hotel") and also houses the Rocks Brewing Co.
Since Rocks brewing co. moved in and the rave reviews from beery folks here in Aussieland it has always been one of the pubs I have wanted to visit most! So wondered in at around 6.30pm on a Tuesday evening to see what all the fuss was about.
First up I asked the staff for the hoppiest beer on tap which was a brew by Hopdog Beerworks: The Pale. I was kindly advised to try a sample out first as it I was informed a hop monster of a beer and it was! Massive hop hit,bitter and palate destroying!-I like it! Definitely a PROPER pale ale! I was planning on trying out a few that night so I moved on to the recommendation of the great bar staff and tried out a pint of the Rocks Brewery Co's The Hangman Pale Ale
Gotta love those American style shaker pints the brews are served in! Just the right size I reckon! Lots of stone fruitiness and citrusy hoppy goodness on the nose... Very smooth and full bodied going down, Nice bitter twang at the end and extremely refreshing. Awesome beer to look at too! Good head retention and a wonderful golden orangey colour of the beer itself! Excellent beer- The Hangman became my default go to brew for the rest of the night!
Got to try out a pint of "Rocks Crew Cream Ale" which was actually brewed by the pubs staff during a trip to Potters Brewery here in the Hunter! A style that I haven't tried yet it had a very vanilla like creaming soda quality on the nose! Extremely smooth going down like a weizen/wheat style bodied beer with the re-freshness of a good 'ol british ale. No big hop features here but you can tell some noble ones are there under the cream somewhere. Awesome beer experience- a must try-while it lasts! Great brew crew!!
I was very surprised to see the good range of bottled brews there too. They had one of my favorite pale ales of all time in the fridge which confirmed my PROPER BEER stamp of approval as a PROPER PUB !! Hargreaves Pale Ale from Victoria which I shared with the staff and another bloke at the upstairs bar on my way out.
Good full floral aroma and a well balanced grainy malty backbone make this one a good all year drinker. Going down you can really taste the malt backed up by the bitterness of the awesome hops used in this beer at the same time being very smooth. The way this beer is crafted you can tell a lot of commitment has been made to make it just the right balance of hops aroma and fresh malty grain. Can't wait to try it on tap in New South Wales one day! (hint-hint)
Harts Pub has really put Sydney on the map as a great Craft Beer Destination for lovers of PROPER BEER! Fantastic knowledgeable and friendly staff along with fantastic craft beer on a tap & bottle.... Harts Pub is definitely doing it right!
Oh yeah and the foods good too!
Check out the menu on their website here
Harts Pub:176 Cumberland St
The Rocks,Sydney, NSW 2000
+61 (0)29516030